Hey guys, forgot something? The airdrop event seems to be not updated.
Today there are a total of 6 tasks and queries for #空投 . Little ones become big, big ones become even bigger, and the biggest ones are directly free.
1; Odos airdrop allocation check https://app.odos.xyz/rewards
2; Revox airdrop allocation check https://reward.revox.ai
3; $VANA announces token economics https://docs.vana.org/docs/vana-token-overview…
4; @swan_chain TGE on December 16, 2024, points conversion airdrop https://mission.swanchain.io/?invite=VevQqoDHLRTG…
5; CVEX mainnet launching on January 8, 2025, XP conversion airdrop; https://testnet.cvex.trade/affiliate/achievements…
6; @playonshaga points; http://glob.shaga.xyz/?r=ftFKjOeUl7