Hold the price prediction for Vana coin (VANA) when listed on Binance
The price prediction for Vana coin (VANA) when listed on Binance on December 16, 2024, according to data from CoinGecko, the conversion rate from VANA to VND is currently ₫2.54 for each 1 VANA, indicating a fairly low price in the current market. The Vana (VANA) project is being introduced through Binance Launchpool, where users can lock BNB and FDUSD to receive VANA during the farming period from 14/12 to 15/12/2024.
In addition, the amount of VANA to be listed is approximately 30,084,000 VANA (25.07% of the total maximum supply), with a total reward of approximately 4,800,000 VANA distributed for farming activities. The success of VANA on Binance depends on its ability to attract attention from the Crypto community and trading in the early days may be quite volatile.
Newly listed tokens on Binance often have large fluctuations, so investors should monitor updates and market analysis to make informed decisions when investing in VANA.$FDUSD $BNB