So don't be afraid and sell if you are new and didn't contact me yesterday I talked on Telegram not to be afraid to sell if you find a long continuous candle on a 15-minute frame followed by a sale for the length of the candle or half of it Don't be afraid to withdraw profits from a whale that entered the currency Reputations Long selling doesn't scare you after 100% weakening of the currency and you took a profit from it, withdraw your capital never leave it if you are going to take risks, you are free to trade, nothing will lose you in it except a failed deal and greed and leaving the deal without following up Buy the spot or else it is not right to prolong it if you will stay on your deal for half an hour, do not sell, of course, spot owners after 100% rise, do not wait at all and withdraw your capital or part of it The current situation is if there is no long complete candle on a 15-minute frame that occurs after ten minutes, withdraw your capital immediately or you will keep waiting for the currency to rise and you and your share This currency will never return to the peak of the rise Soon, a warning

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