Telegram "spoiler" channels that provide recommendations about cryptocurrencies pose a significant risk to users, especially beginners in this field. These channels often rely on misleading methods to attract individuals, such as making promises of large profits or "unrepeatable opportunities", without any real basis or scientific analysis of the market.
The most prominent risks include:
Market manipulation: These channels may use tactics such as intensive promotion of a particular currency (Pump and Dump) to artificially raise its price and then sell it for profit at the expense of subscribers.
Lack of transparency: These channels often lack transparency and do not provide details about the sources of their recommendations or strategies.
Potential for fraud: These channels may exploit users' desire to make quick profits and ask them to pay subscriptions or transfer money, making them vulnerable to fraud.
Significant financial losses: Following the recommendations of these channels randomly without experience or independent analysis may lead to huge financial losses.
Do not trust any channel that makes excessive promises of quick profits. You should always conduct independent research and analysis before investing in cryptocurrencies. If you are a beginner, it is better to learn the basics and use reliable sources to avoid falling victim to these practices.