$AVA today apparently was the gain for the letters starting with “AV”, as the trajectory on the ground since the year 2021, but there is no day that does not arrive nor deadline that is not met, on December 4th at a value of $0.4131 and today at $2.82, an increase of 582.6% = (($2.82-0.4131)/$0.4131)*100, but the big jump was from 9:44 to 15:29 hours.
The truth is that sometimes the time lacks importance, what is significant is the price increase, if we observe the graph, even though it is not like that, it would seem that the slope is 90 degrees or undefined to infinity, that’s how it seems haha, I wish that $BTTC behaved the same way and jumped like this, that is, it increased 6.82 times.
Let’s hope that happens soon, have a nice afternoon ♥️.