In Russia, there are increasingly loud statements about the need to tighten control. This time it concerns grants for Russian scientists who receive support from Western organizations. The head of the State Duma Commission for Investigating Foreign Interference, Vasily Piskaryov, proposed to judge such scientists for treason with a life sentence.
Control under the guise of security
It is hard not to notice how the scale of state intervention in all areas of life is growing under the pretext of 'national security'. Now even grants from international organizations are declared a tool for NATO recruitment. Piskaryov's statements that scientists are offered up to 25 thousand euros for participation in 'anti-Russian projects' sound loud but lack specifics.
Such approaches to control create a dangerous precedent: any connection with foreign organizations becomes a reason for accusations. And what about academic freedom, a science that by definition requires international interaction? This harsh control can lead to self-isolation and degradation of the educational and research environment.
Control: a tool or absurdity?
History teaches us that excessive control rarely leads to positive results. Instead of solving real problems, it becomes a tool of repression and paranoia. This is also evident in the economy: excessive intervention reduces competition, hinders innovation, and makes systems vulnerable.
It is precisely here that new approaches, such as the use of blockchain and cryptocurrencies, can play a key role. TCPcent (TCPct), for example, offers transparency and independence, providing value that cannot be hidden or manipulated.
The role of technology in the future
Blockchain and tools like TCPcent could create an economic environment where transparency replaces control, and trust becomes the basis for interaction. When the economy is based on decentralization, states cannot abuse power for their own interests. This is especially important in a world where political decisions increasingly undermine trust in traditional systems.
And in conclusion, I would like to say!
The race for control undermines trust and opens the door to absurdity. Scientific freedom, economic transparency, and innovation must be a priority. Technologies like TCPcent show how to create a space where value is defined not by political will but by objective reality.
Maintaining a balance between freedom and security is the only path to sustainable development. Otherwise, the madness of control risks becoming the norm. #TCPct #TCP-MARKET