"The best defense is attack, but the best attack is not defense, so defend yourself!"
Greetings fellow investors.
My first post here.
An image and a phrase
"The best defense is attack, but the best attack is not defense, so defend yourself!"
It has never made so much sense to many, right?!
Anyway, I have been in this volatile market for 7 years, and I have been through a lot, to the point of leaving for 5 years and a few months because I no longer believed in this market. Conclusion?! Stay focused, everything at the right time, in God's timing. Don't sell your "coins", your investments, your assets, your dreams, look around you, life is a game, and a game that does not allow "amateurism", a game that requires
patience and Faith! Always stay focused, and remember this:
"The big players are playing you so they can buy you cheap, don't hate the players, hate the game - keep holding on, hold on to your assets."