1. Let's talk about the first picture. Yesterday I opened a copy trade, transferred 1000u, the position was a bit large, and with a poor mindset, I lost 200u on the copy trade; after closing the copy trade, I transferred the remaining amount to my own account and lost more than 50u; then I withdrew everything, and the more I thought about it, the more unwilling I felt, so I transferred 54u to my USDT account.
2. The first picture mainly shows my earnings. Starting from 54u, I traded for an afternoon; now I've accumulated to 280u; how should I put it, market sense is very important, and having a good mindset is essential; I estimate I can reach 300u;
Can everyone calculate how much the profit is from 54 to 300?
Also, I am not suitable for copy trading, too many people watching makes me uncomfortable, after all, I am a shy person.