#BTC投资案未获微软股东同意 #XRP逆势反弹 #市场调整后的方向 #币安ME开盘 #市场回调抄底还是观望?

Locking human nature in the cage of the system

D20 restructuring the new order in the cryptocurrency world 📈📈

The mechanism of Rise

Can elevate the trust between people

To an unprecedented height

No longer worried about who backstabs whom

No longer worried about who lifts whom

One person backstabs

The collective lifts

Directly dismembers his base price chips

The mechanism has brought trust to an unprecedented height

​Rise transaction method (using TP transfer)

Directly transfer BNB to the contract to buy in

Directly transfer Rise to the contract to sell out


㊙️ Minimum transfer 0.2🅱️

5% gold standard BNB purchased Rise daily for a total of 20 days