Long ago, in a distant land called Wales, there lived a simple engineer named James Howells. In 2013, while cleaning his workspace, he accidentally threw away an old hard drive. This hard drive was not ordinary: it contained 8,000 bitcoins, which at today's prices are worth over 760 million dollars.
James, unaware of his mistake, continued to live his life until one day he realized the scale of his blunder. His treasure lay under 110,000 tons of garbage at the city dump in Newport. He appealed to the city authorities for permission to search for the disk but was denied due to environmental risks and enormous costs.
But James did not give up. He devised a plan worthy of Hollywood:
- **First,** he offered the city a whopping 25% of the found bitcoins, which amounts to over 190 million dollars, for the right to search.
- **Secondly,** he attracted investors and treasure-hunting specialists, including robotic dogs for scanning and AI systems for sorting trash.
- **Thirdly,** he proposed turning the landfill into a waste-to-energy processing center, using methane to generate electricity, which could lead to the creation of a whole energy hub in Newport.
Moreover, James struck a deal with NASA, who assured that even if the disk was damaged, they would be able to recover the data. This project became not only a treasure hunt but also a symbol of perseverance and innovation. What would you do if your fortune was buried under tons of trash?