Mastering #Crypto in a Sunday Afternoon: Three Power Moves for a 'Crypto-Native' Mindset 😉🙃

I- Explore Everything:

Dive into every #protocol , #marketplace , community, bridge, chain, and #wallet . Setting up across the board provides insights into the mindset of current crypto users. 💳

II- Stay Informed:

Regularly read and stay on the cutting edge. Instead of relying on a single source, be proactive. 📑

III- Embrace "Permissionless" Experiences:

#Web3 culture thrives on the rapid emergence of new products. Witness the creativity at play, especially through projects, which releases its art to the public domain and supports innovative alternatives. 🌎

Remember, the key to being crypto-native isn't just about time or technical expertise; it's the determination to navigate a space that's still evolving toward mainstream adoption. 🤞🏻

“Lila Wolken…” 🎶

Joaquim Matinero Tor
Banking-financial & Blockchain lawyer