Update : 5$ to 5000$ Challenge
Starting Balance : 5$ + Deposit 220$ - Withdraw 73$
Current Balance : 540$
Hey Everyone , sorry for not updating you past few days as I have been busy with my cousin's marriage .
I'll be covering a lot today of what all happened
First of all , i regret trading past few days as you can see through my current balance ...I am down around 50% .
I wasn't focused as I had to take care of marriage preparations and all and therefore I didn't think much while taking these trades.
$XRP : The coin i lost most in
Mistake : Went all in , and also didn't hold position ...
After i closed the trade it went 10% up.
But , the most heartbreaking trades were of $ENA and $JUP .
Could you imagine i close ena at 1% loss and my entry was 0.82$ for #Jup for which I had entry around 1.248 ..
Why did I switch and the mistake I did?
So , i woke early that morning and saw article that #Sol etf has been filed...This means sol ecosystem was gonna boom and Jup was the best utility token under sol , rest were memes.
Now the mistake I made was that I didn't read Ena's description and missed the point that it was on Ethereum blockchain and was eth utility tech coin...
Had i read this i wouldn't have switched to Jup as Eth is outperforming #btc .
But when Jup went up 7% i didn't take profit and had to close it just at 1% profit and the following day it pumped 20%.
Then I fomo into zrx green candle and lost a good amount on it too.
Currently , i am on #floki trade..
Why I am in Floki??
Because it is a meme coin on Ethereum.
And also this is Dec , which is usually a meme season and Ethereum is also booming so I beleive Floki could perform well.
Also , i regret going all in it and my liq is 0.195... I almost got liq while I was sleeping .
But let's hope market pumps now.
Last thing ...#Pepe is also on Eth and it is showing extreme strength ..
If I had money or i was at floki breakeven then i would have opened pepe long .
At times of crash like these do we understand the importance of additional cash to invest
See you later...If I don't get liquidate