EOS Reserved Products: Enjoy up to 29.9% APR rewards!
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Dear Binance members,
[Binance Simple Earn](https://app.%suffixOrigin%/%locale%/earn/simple-earn?_dp=L3dlYnZpZXcvd2Vidmlldz90eXBlPWRlZmF1bHQmbmVlZExvZ2luPWZhbHNlJnVybD1hSFIwY0hNNkx5OTNkM2N1WW1sdVlXNWpaUzVqYjIwdlpXNHZaV0Z5Ymk5emFXMXdiR1V0WldGeWJn) is pleased to announce an update to its EOS (EOS) Reserved Products. Complete Simple Earn Reserved Products subscriptions for EOS tokens during the promotion period to receive rewards with an annual percentage rate of up to 29.9%*!