✍ Do you want to earn 10k, 100k? It's completely possible!

✔ But the core issue is not to rush. Consider profit as the ultimate goal, and remember that you don't have to push yourself beyond your limits.

✔ If you haven't achieved your goal in 10 days, try for 1 month. If you don't succeed in 1 month, be patient and extend it to 1 year. Why put pressure on yourself to win in just one day? For what purpose?

✍ This market has no holy grail; no one is guaranteed to win 100%. If everyone wins, then who will take the loss?

✍ Profits go up and down, but as long as you reach the goal, you have succeeded. Don't create a mental trap that makes you stumble and unable to escape.

✍ I have gone through similar feelings. And I once wanted to leave the market.

✔ But instead of tirelessly seeking victory, I struggled to find a way to "get to shore". Don't let that story repeat itself with you.

✔ The uptrend is still there, no need to rush. If you don't profit today, then tomorrow. If you don't profit tomorrow, then there's always the day after.

----> Remember: The market is always there. Only the traders change 🔥🔥🔥🔥