#BinanceBlockchainWeek #Binance #صعووود #USDT

To analyze currencies accurately using the technical indicators you always rely on (such as RSI, MACD, and volume), I will now analyze the best options to achieve your quick goal, focusing on the following points:

1. Indicators used:

1. RSI (Relative Strength Index):

• RSI below 30: Strong buying opportunity due to oversold conditions.

• RSI between 30 and 50: Potential buying opportunity.

• RSI above 70: Currency is overbought.

2. MACD (Moving Average Convergence Divergence):

• If the MACD line is above the signal line: Buy signal.

• If the MACD line is below the signal line: Sell signal.

3. Volume:

• High volume with price movement means strong momentum.

• Low volume indicates weak movement or low liquidity.

2. Currency analysis in the picture:


• Price: $0.1776.

• 24-hour change: -13.24% (big drop).

• Indicators:

• RSI: below 30 (oversold, high probability of rebound).

• MACD: indicates an approaching positive crossover (buy opportunity).


• Price: $0.4264.

• 24-hour change: -6.59%.

• Indicators:

• RSI: around 40 (not oversold, but a buy opportunity at support).

• MACD: neutral (no clear momentum).


• Price: $0.010327.

• 24-hour change: -7.98%.

• Indicators:

• RSI: around 35 (close to oversold, but not as strong as RARE).