The Binance desktop login has been abnormal these past few days, and the article has not been updated here. The public account remains uninterrupted!

If you've followed me for a while, you know that what I write essentially reflects my investment principles, summaries, insights, or reviews of industry information and market trends.

So some people find my articles very practical, indicating that they also have market experience, but their summarizing ability or depth of experience may be less than mine. Therefore, when I speak, they understand.

I am a person focused on investment and trading; the market has educated me countless times. I rarely write about messy things. Although sometimes I may try to get some traffic, I am clearly not good at it; I am still looking for resonance!

This is the preface and a response to many people.

Today, I shared my review of the last cycle in the student group after experiencing the 519 event and my understanding of the market and myself. My main points are as follows:

1. Sometimes, people feel that certain returns are low, so they always try to pursue high returns and take risks. In reality, it's trial and error.

2. You can pursue certainty with most of your funds and gamble with a small portion.

3. Often, when certain opportunities arise, uncertain opportunities may not have occurred, resulting in missed profits and unnecessary losses. Continually making mistakes in this way leads to missed opportunities and losses.

4. More often than not, you may underestimate the returns brought by certain opportunities. For example, when Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other leading coins explode, the return rate is higher than you anticipated.

5. And even if that risk occurs, it might not be better than theirs.

6. Pursuing the principle of certainty brings two benefits: first, time compounding; you are always right. Second, you rarely lose money. This is how wealth accumulates. This is what I often say: slow is fast!

7. Greed, fear, missing out, and anchoring are four psychological factors that often lead to excessive emotions. It’s like being poisoned or drunk; irrational behavior is akin to gambling.

I hope you can clarify and understand.

Many people often hope to get a coin from me that offers super high returns to achieve absolute wealth growth. This mindset was part of my early behavior; I always wanted to discover hundredfold and thousandfold coins.

In reality, this is quite difficult. First, it's hard to identify a hundredfold coin. Second, you may not be able to hold on until the end. For instance, in the new public chain, we initially thought SUI would be the next SOL; today, it has risen tenfold from its low, but how many are still in?

Thirdly, as I often emphasize, the Art of War primarily discusses defense, not offense. Good warriors mostly rest and choose the right moment to act. If you chase prices up and down every day, you are just looking at the mountain from another mountain.

If you understand a principle, the fastest and largest market rises are often brief; you can only have them if you hold on. Running back and forth will cause you to miss those rising opportunities. This point is very important!

This is a principle! Sticking to principles is very important!

Today's market view is that the market has entered a trending phase; all pullbacks will rise! So there's nothing to worry about; a drop is a good thing!

Yesterday's article systematically summarized what you should do and which coins to choose; don't let greed blind you. The way is very simple! Read my words today a few more times!

Yesterday's article is a watershed moment for your future wealth! Read it more! Remember, people can’t earn money beyond their understanding; money earned by luck can be lost by strength! You reap what you sow! Don't plant greed and fear; even a deity can't save you. You can only keep yourself calm!

US-based coins completely ignite the bull market! The policy bull is here! The final chapter of crypto investment with hundredfold returns - policy and character!

(For opinion sharing only, not investment advice)