BitTorrent (BTTC) is a cryptocurrency token built on the TRON platform. It has a circulating supply of 990 billion coins and is currently ranked #1448 based on its market capitalization, which stands at $1.5 million.

Today's Stats:

- Price: $0.0000015 USD

- 24-hour Trading Volume: $114,900 USD

- Market Cap: $1.5 million USD

Yesterday's Stats:

- Price: $0.0000015 USD

- 24-hour Trading Volume: $115,000 USD

- Market Cap: $1.5 million USD

BTTC Pairing Coins:

BitTorrent (BTTC) can be paired with several coins, including:

- BTTC/USDT: This pairing is available on several exchanges, including Binance, MEXC Global, and Kucoin.

- BTTC/BTC: This pairing is available on some exchanges, but the trading volume is relatively low.

- BTTC/ETH: This pairing is not commonly available, but it can be found on some decentralized exchanges.

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