Try not to chase the currencies that have risen quickly and frequently recently, but look for those coins that have risen slowly in the short term, so that the profit margins in the medium and long term will be larger. Some old coins are temporarily rising slowly because the rebound cycle is still at the 2-day and 3-day line levels. Compared with the weekly level rebounds of Bitcoin and Sol, it does lag far behind, but it also shows that those old coins (such as dot, axs , LTC, etc.) once it upgrades and enters the weekly rebound cycle, it will be the same as the current sol, with huge pumps above it. When we add positions now, we also need to add these coins that are rising slowly. Once they rise later, if you continue to pursue them, your profits will be much less. Daniel's rise was slow before, which is not a bad thing. It lays a solid foundation step by step. It is relatively stable and the fall will not be too exaggerated. The risk is not that big. It is suitable for investors with medium and low risks and medium and large funds. To learn more, see the home page for details