While "mommy's traders" accuse $TRX of being great "mommy's traders," they cannot, according to the canons of their magical life, be in the red on Binance. They know for sure that with $100 "picking the cream" from the highs, the day after tomorrow they will wake up rich. I observe many Indians; apparently, Bollywood action movies have shifted the attentive viewer's focus to films about crypto!? 🫤 😁 In short, what I mean is, we definitely know that there should be a "plan B" 🙈, growth is not infinite. We need to rely on Bitcoin and its highs, as expensive Bitcoin will lead to buying cheap altcoins. If $TRX falls below $0.10-0.20, I know exactly what to do. I still have Tron at $0.005. And for now, while the dogs bark, the caravan moves on; the bot on $TRX will mint me a coin.