On the importance of strict implementation of strategies, after accurately buying and closing shorts (taking profits) at 1980, the market exploded by 150 points+!

For example: We made an ETH short order while sleeping, and we were reminded many times that the ETH short order’s take-profit position was 1980. Shortly after getting on the train, we hadn’t slept yet, and ETH had taken profits accurately.

Normally, if you put this take-profit position when you sleep, your position will be gone when you wake up, and you will have taken profits.

Even if you don’t sleep, after you take profits of at least 50% of your position at 1980, according to our strategy requirements, the stop loss is changed to the opening price, and you will still make money in the end. This way, there is no risk and you can avoid making random operations.

Therefore, if the strategy has a take-profit and stop-loss, you should put it in advance, otherwise the profit retracement will be very uncomfortable. When the strategy reaches the target, you should end the profit. Don’t be greedy. There are strategies every day, and you can strictly implement them.