Gala Music, a key ecosystem segment of Gala, revolutionizes the music entertainment industry with its innovative Listen to Earn model, reshaping the distribution and experience of music. Unlike the previous play-to-earn model, Gala Music focuses on community, creativity, and connectivity. Its platform token MUSIC empowers artists while benefiting fans, potentially redefining the music entertainment industry. The following section will primarily introduce the innovative L2E model of Gala Music.

Method One: Earn MUSIC Through Purchasing or Hosting Music Tracks

In Gala Music, “Tracks” are categorized into two types: limited edition music NFTs and unlimited music NFTs. The unlimited music NFTs usually feature a "pink" attribute and are sometimes gifted by Gala Music through various events; whereas, limited edition music NFTs must be purchased with MUSIC. Here's how to earn MUSIC:

1. Visit the Gala Music homepage, buy a Track or complete official tasks to acquire one. Tracks from official events can be found in the “Collection” section. Note: Gala Music has recently launched a 10-day giveaway event, where users can receive a Track with the “Pink” attribute upon completing music listening tasks. (Note: Official activities are not always available, and the amount of MUSIC held by a user affects the quantity of music NFTs they can receive.)

2. Click “Node” and go to “My Music.” In the “Not Hosted” section, you can view your Tracks. Without a node, the rewards for unhosted Tracks are relatively lower. If a user wishes to earn higher rewards through community hosting, they should click “Host selected tracks” and then select the desired tracks.

Enter the confirmation page, click “Confirm,” and input the previously set “Transfer Code” to complete the hosting process.

4. After hosting is complete, users can view their hosted Tracks in “Hosted.”

” have been sold and can be viewed on Opensea; if your preferred music is available, click to enter the purchase page