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Binance has launched a collection of NFT tokens dedicated to Portuguese star Cristiano Ronaldo as part of an exclusive partnership with him. These tokens are known as the "Cristiano Ronaldo NFT Collection" and were first released in November 2022. These tokens aim to provide a special experience for Cristiano fans, including unique digital collectibles inspired by his sporting career.
Details of Cristiano's NFT tokens on Binance:
1. Different levels of rarity:
Super Super Rare (SSR): The rarest and most valuable.
Super Rare (SR).
Rare (R).
Normal (N).
2. Benefits that the tokens may include:
Exclusive videos.
3D images of Cristiano.
The ability to enter a draw to win prizes such as a personal meeting with Cristiano.
Signed tickets or personal gifts.
3. How to buy or share:
These tokens are traded on the Binance NFT Marketplace.
Some may be sold in private auctions or via direct sales.
They can be purchased using cryptocurrencies such as BNB or ETH.