A very important tip for investors in currencies is to follow up.
When will the coins be released and how much is it worth? Not only the release, but also the reserved coins, whether they belong to the team or the team left them for a specific purpose.
And whoever gave you the recommendation, if there is a large amount of money being released and the currency does not achieve the targets, go out before them for a while because this will have a huge impact on the price, especially if the market is heading downwards.
An example of this is the PYTH coin, because its number of coins is large and it was recently minted. I personally was stung by it, a respectable sting. I did not go out on the double and was patient. Although I held out for a while after the mint, after Bitcoin went down, it made its biggest bottom, because the mint was very large, it was almost 100%.
The important thing is that this site is very good. It tells you how the currency is distributed and when the release will happen. As in the picture, it says that the currency will approximately release 58% in the middle of the next year. So, make your calculations. If you are going to buy, buy during this period, and if you are going to sell, sell a month or two before.
It is very important for our new brothers who do not have experience to understand the Token unlocks and how the currency is distributed and what the market cap and supply are and the current Circulation supply.
These things will make you understand better instead of blindly following a video on TikTok where someone says that XRP will reach $100 and the video has nearly a million likes and of course millions of views and shares 😆😆