1st - Don't invest assets that you'll miss, because this market is highly volatile, unpredictable and can wipe you out. Imagine if you need the money for an emergency today or tomorrow and it simply disappears?
2nd - Learn the basics of technical analysis: price action, fibo retracements, rsi, stochastic, moving averages
3rd - Never, ever, under any circumstances operate without using STOP LOSS; always have risk management, because if the trend reverses you can surf the wave.
4th - Don't follow the trend of digital influencers, coaches, gurus, gods, magic, witchcraft, voodoo... Trust the chart and your analysis
5th - Always take your profits, never just keep buying forever as if this were a store of value; because, if even whales take profits when the asset reaches its peak, why would you do the opposite?
Well, that's it...