Buy Bitcoin — Protect Your Family
People want to know when to buy and sell Bitcoin. But the main future of it is that, once the world is ready, you won't need to sell. You will be able to buy anything you want with bitcoins. You will be able to earn them. Even if you are the last person in this field, you can use the product to save for your future. Gradually, the value of your savings will grow.
Here’s an example.
A person lives in China and earns two dollars a day. Even if he saves 50 cents daily from that — he has no hope! He has almost zero chance of breaking free from poverty.
With Bitcoin, those same two dollars a day will definitely grow over a thirty-year cycle. And you no longer need to invest in dubious get-rich-quick schemes. Even if it is a normal investment, there is still a risk of losing savings.
Now people have an asset that can be saved and thereby secure their future, finally protect their family. This is the most important goal of the entire project, in my opinion.