Based on current data, the price of Usual (USUAL) is currently around $0.30 and is trending up due to trading volume and community interest. Experts predict that this coin can reach $1 by the end of 2024, with the predicted price ranging from $0.92 to $1.38. This prediction is based on the governance mechanism, staking rewards, and the development of the DeFi ecosystem that Usual is aiming for   .

Conditions to reach $1:

1. Adoption: The coin needs to be widely adopted in the DeFi ecosystem and practical applications.

2. Increase liquidity: Improve trading volume and market stability.

3. Ecosystem development: Build new products and features to attract users and investors.

However, investing in cryptocurrencies is risky due to strong market fluctuations. You should analyze carefully and manage your capital properly. Wish you soon achieve your goals!