The National Bank of Ukraine plans to launch the CBDC project in pilot mode. Representatives of the regulator noted that the test of the e-hryvnia will begin in 2025. According to the NBU, the terms may change due to a number of unnamed factors.
The National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) has announced plans to begin testing a digital currency (CBDC) in 2025. The department's experts note that preparations for the issuance of the e-hryvnia are in full swing and the authorities intend to assess the potential of the project in field conditions.
The regulator is currently working to determine the readiness of market players to participate in the central bank's digital currency pilot project. In addition, the NBU is looking for a technical partner capable of providing its solution for testing the e-hryvnia. The solution should use Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) as the basis.
The NBU emphasizes that the testing of the new means of payment will take place in an open manner. In other words, all willing market participants will be able to use the e-hryvnia.
How it will affect bitcoin and altcoins - we can only guess. Do you think the project will be successful?