That is why it is now called a reserve of value, that is exactly what it is for, not so much for bartering, it was thought of that way, but now it is a reserve of value.
A QUESTION I HAVE🤔 Don't you think that #bitcoin is being given too much importance for what it really is? I mean, imagine if they include bitcoin globally, if its price is always fluctuating, who would want to use it? Imagine that it is at 95,000 and you send a transaction and the next day its value is at 100,000 you would be losing money... and the opposite case, imagine that it is at 100,000 and you send it to someone and a week later it drops to 80,000 for example, that recipient would be losing money too. I continue the thread in the next post ⬆️#BecomeCreator #Bitcoin! $BTC $BTC
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