The #AutonomysNetwork community has organized an incredible accomplishment in decentralized storage, as they have already pledged over 210 petabytes (PB) during the Mainnet Phase-1 Space Race. This achievement enables on-chain $AI3 farming rewards, which reward those who have contributed to the achievement of the network’s goals. As of the present time, more than 300PB of storage is committed by 2000+ farmer nodes.

The current change in block #213696, the solution range adjustment shows that the network is constantly striving to become more decentralised strengthening its base for AI & Blockchain development. The roles and responsibilities of farmers and other users of such systems present a coordinated agenda for human-society-centred artificial intelligence.

It can also be seen that, based on its unique concept of decentralised AI (deAI), the focus of #Autonomys is certainly on the community. Farmers receive $AI3 tokens for staking their storage, which is an explanation of a reasonable reward system that responds to the principles of the network. Thus, #SocialMining has a critical role, which encourages engagement and stimulates common values and advancements within an ecosystem.

As network transformation to Mainnet Phase-2 occurs, new opportunities for expanding its structure appear together with new developments such as DecEx domains. These developments will help build up the ecosystem and enable brand-new innovative AI use cases.

It is a special achievement of the community that has proved that innovation is a powerful tool for a community. It is not only a technological issue; it is a question of whether, collectively, networks shall have distinct, secure, accessible and growing architectures.