Foguest Projects
Foguest Software:
It is a web engine developed to be safe, intelligent and scalable. We use the most modern web technologies, bringing innovation to programming, such as:
We immutate the global 'window' of #Javascript;
We do not use cookies or sessions, not even from third parties.
Foguest's web platform will have a#DecentralizedEcosystem. Data will be analyzed, encrypted, distributed and stored on the network.
By the end of this year, which is 2024, it will be possible to become an Angel Investor of this project. In addition to this opportunity, the Angel will have benefits, which are:
Discounts on products and services of the platform;
VIP access to applications that have this service;
Creation of an application within the Ecosystem.
Applications of the ecosystem under development:
Foguest Online, a#MMORPGin the browser.
See more at:
Forecast for 2030.
Stay tuned so you don't miss out, as Angel's acquisition is limited!