Shock!!!! Elon Musk's icon revealed 491 'zombie projects' totaling $516 billion.

According to Business Insider, Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy pointed out in a column in The Wall Street Journal that there are 491 federal 'zombie projects' totaling approximately $516 billion. The specific details are as follows:

Project Definition

These projects have expired congressional funding authorizations, but Congress continues to allocate funds for them during the annual budget process after the authorization period has ended.

Project Types

This includes major projects such as veterans' healthcare, Pell Grants, housing assistance vouchers, the National Institutes of Health, the FBI, and NASA, among others, with more than twenty large projects accounting for most of the funding. For example, the veterans' healthcare project alone has a total allocation of at least $4 billion in 2024, amounting to $391 billion, which is about three-quarters of the $516 billion.

Related Claims

Musk and Ramaswamy believe that if expenditures are unauthorized, they should not be spent, and the departments they lead will be committed to cutting funding for these projects to reduce federal spending. $DOGE