#AutonomysNetwork team has launched its Whitepaper and Litepaper where fans of the project can receive more information about the functioning of the #Autonomys Network and the planned development of AI3.0. This concept documents define a structure for developing an open, global network of intelligent entities for the AI evolution. Below are some details of their key features and visualization from my social network analysis.

The Network Architecture of The Autonomys Network is designed as an AI3.0 Stack which includes the architecture of blockchain data flow, distributed storage, and multi-agent systems. The system uses Proof-of-Time checkpoints for the jurisdiction of transactions which keeps the system efficient and trustworthy in its decentralised model.

One such component is called the Domain Transaction Flow, which outlines the flow of user-submitted content and fairly distributes fees across the network. Related to the fact that all the data flows are fully transparent at the same time, there are options for data contribution and compensation, implying that all the participants of the ecosystem effectively receive their fees for participating.

From the perspective of community members, the chance to engage in archived segments and farm operations provides real value. In this case, #SocialMining could come in handy in raising awareness of the barriers as well as rallying stakeholders to create a joint front to address them. When they contribute insights or analyse the whitepaper, miners add to the network’s vision and receive validation in the ecosystem.

Furthermore, the distributed storage network guarantees the scalability and access in the platform that supports the further application of AI3.0.

For the more detail-oriented readers, there are interactive elements that show the connections between the domain, shard and beacon chains which help ensure that all the information can flow freely and co-ordinate efficiently. The diagrams provided in this article are instrumental for comprehending the intricacy of the Network underlying the Autonomy.

Through the integration of the advanced IT systems of Artificial Intelligence and blockchain, the Autonomys Network provides the platform for decentralised intelligence in an AI-based economy. Reading through its whitepaper and litepaper provides a useful understanding of this futuristic project and establishes the possible potential of decentralization.