Business Process
Business Model
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Organization or Culture
What are the stages of digital transformation?
Every company goes through its own stages of cultural transformation and there are no specific stages, but now we will explain the following six stages as a guide. Stage 1 (Status Quo):
The company continues its business as usual, unaware of the changing customer requirements and technological advancements.
Stage 2 (Positive Steps):$BTC
The company becomes more aware of digital improvement, it realizes the challenges it faces and the need for digital transformation
This stage is better than the previous one, as it reveals the lack of focus and unity.
Stage 3 (Determination):$BTC
Digital transformation begins when the company moves to the determination stage, when digital leaders and change agents emerge and begin testing new technologies
But here the work culture becomes an obstacle and the leader must encourage innovation.
Stage 4 (Strategy):
At this stage, the organization achieves cultural changes, individual groups and departments begin to collaborate, and leaders map out the strategy to achieve success.
Stage 5 (Targeting):
Here, the company begins implementing the digital transformation strategy defined in the previous stage, and from here, digital projects and infrastructure begin
And new initiatives are taking shape.
Stage 6 (Intensification):
At this stage, digital transformation projects become the new normal for the organization.