• Solana network fees are now 11% of Ethereum, up from 1.36% in 1 month last year.

The article was written by Frank Chaparro, Director of Special Projects at the Block, and Laura Vidiella of the MNNC group. The opinions expressed in this column are their own and do not reflect the opinions of their employers.

According to Ryan Watkins of Syncracy, #Solana has been on the lookout for the past 1 year, but this is just the beginning. Watkins joined Scoop last week to share his thoughts on why Solana is catching up, and in some cases surpassing #Ethereum in key metrics, driven by the rapid growth of the ecosystem and real world adoption.

the conversation revealed how the Solana story has evolved over the past year. A year ago, an article published by Syncracy talked about Solana's potential, emphasizing its speed, cost-effectiveness and scalability. At the time, the discussion was largely based on technical merits, and supporting data was still being developed.

Today, Watkins says the arguments in favor of Solana are based on solid data. Metrics such as stable coin volume, DEX volume, active address, transactions, and total app revenue indicate that Solana is matching or surpassing Ethereum in key areas, indicating strong network effects and increased economic value.

the latest data from the block further emphasizes Solana's growth:

Network fees: Solana's network fees are up 11% from 80% in 1.36 months last year and now represent 1% of Ethereum.

Protocol Fees: Solana's protocol fees rose to 343 million this month, up from 178 million on Ethereum for the month.

DEX Volume: Solana's decentralized exchange volume this month is 199% of Ethereum. According to Watkins, this dramatic growth positions Solana no longer as a potential, but as a #blockchain ecosystem whose success is measurable.

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