This morning's first wave was correct, but the pullback was a bit small at around 600 points. If it doesn't break 91500, it will rise to a new high, and it has been rising to around 94800, which is close to our expected point.

What I want to say now is to pay special attention to the event at 12 AM and 4 AM. If it breaks 95000, the spike doesn't count; the fastest it will need to pull back and then consolidate until 8 AM tomorrow to go up.

So the strategy for tonight and early morning is to short near 95000 on the rebound and reserve positions for adding back, looking to exit in batches at 93000/91600,

(Remember, if it doesn't break 91600, it will continue to rise along the daily MA5 moving average.) #MEME趋势风向 #BTC何时突破10万? #BTC再次刷新历史高点 #比特币ETF期权上线