According to @ai_9684xtpa's monitoring, this wave of drama from Lester's official Twitter has caused LESTER to drop by 40% in the past 24 hours, with a market value of only 32.7 million dollars remaining. On March 15th, a major investor (@bazingahappy) spent 2.3 million dollars to buy BOME, and on 11.15 spent 3,217 SOL (670,000 dollars) to acquire 4.37 million tokens, which has now resulted in a loss of 530,000 dollars, a decrease of 78.7% in asset value.

Thirteen hours ago, after the official Twitter confirmed that they would keep Lester as their mascot, he increased his holdings by 10.2 million tokens, with an average cost of 0.07752 dollars; he has recently engaged in high-frequency trading of Memecoin, where Pnut alone has generated a profit of over 10 million dollars.