Eight concise suggestions for newcomers in the cryptocurrency world:

1. The dream of getting rich quickly is unrealistic; steadily building wealth is key.

2. The cryptocurrency market is becoming more regulated; don’t always think about cheap deals; rational investing is crucial.

3. Trading cryptocurrency should be a side activity; don’t neglect your main job; patience and perseverance are essential.

4. Trading requires calmness; gains and losses are normal; being emotional is a big taboo.

5. Contract trading is like gambling; don’t let desire cloud your judgment; stay alert at all times.

6. The risk of participating in the primary market is high; newcomers should be cautious and not be blinded by temptation.

7. Trade with your own judgment; others’ methods may not suit you; explore your own strategies.

8. Learn from experienced individuals in the cryptocurrency space; absorb lessons to avoid making the same mistakes.

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