✍️✍️✍️Today's Information Summary (11.20)

1. The Base chain domain names repeatedly recommended by the official, some addresses are free: https://base.org/names

2. Star institutions such as Pantera, Hack VC, Multicoin invested $28.5 million in the BTC economic layer @MezoNetworkmats testnet, you can earn mats points: http://mezo.org/matsnet tutorial reference official tweet: https://x.com/MezoNetwork/status/1858934214907097461

3. Binance invested $6.22 million in DeSci @bioprotocol signing declaration, post with #bioacc tag and fill in a wallet address: http://bioacc.life

4. Check Moongate airdrop eligibility and claim 🌟https://claim.moongate.id

5. Modular computing platform Lumoz OG NFT inquiry + claim 🌟check + claim link: https://lumoz.org/airdrop

6. Fill out the application form to qualify for future rewards https://docs.google.com/forms/u/0/d/e/1FAIpQLSfiwvm8epQDIWZpq9pD04aw3XEKxvKLNhrOHJt3QOfOJfcfsg/formResponse

7. analog remember to vote, airdrop project of the bright card https://testnet.analog.one