The last bull market for most people may be the previous bull market!
In the 2017 bull market, buying with closed eyes could make you rich.
In the 2021 bull market, following the trends could make you rich.
In 2024, BTC will enter a bull market, but BTC-related derivative coins have not yet entered a bull market. The EVM ecosystem is generally still struggling to emerge from the bottom. The speed of on-chain market hotspots is extremely fast, with a new hotspot every day, making operations quite challenging. Additionally, in recent days, hot money from the secondary market has entered the primary market. Last month, those that could reach 5M were all golden dogs, and in recent days, it’s common to see market caps of tens of millions or even 100M. Similarly, it is also common for market caps of tens of millions to fall to hundreds of thousands.
The difficulty of operations in this round of market exceeds that of the past! Currently, the biggest opportunity still lies on-chain. Protect your principal, focus on narratives and perspectives, and make certain investments! DYOR