When you invest in a currency, does it go down! And when you sell, it goes up🥴? Here are the reasons:

Many investors feel this frustration as if the market is "targeting them", but the truth is that this has clear psychological and behavioral reasons. Here are the most important reasons:

1. Psychological factor: When you invest in a currency and see it go down, your negative feelings increase and push you to make hasty decisions. And when you sell, you feel as if the currency went up just to frustrate you, but the reality is that the market is moving naturally and you are only focusing on certain cases

2. Trading without a strategy: Investment decisions that are not based on a clear plan or technical analysis may lead you to buy at price peaks and sell at bottoms due to fear and greed

3. Market fluctuations: Digital currencies are highly volatile, and any decline may be a temporary correction. When you sell due to panic, the market may go back up once things stabilize.

4. Whale Effect: Large investors may manipulate the market by pumping in or withdrawing large amounts of liquidity, causing sudden price changes and resulting in losses

5. Lack of patience and experience: Investing without patience and experience may lead you to make wrong decisions, such as selling quickly at the first drop in the market

How to avoid this problem?

Develop a long-term investment strategy

Learn technical and fundamental analysis

Stay calm and avoid making emotional decisions

Gain more experience in the market and cryptocurrencies