For cryptocurrencies to be halal according to Islamic law, they must meet a set of conditions. Here are the most important of these conditions:

### 1. **Absence of Usury**

- The currency must be free from any usurious interest. Any transactions that involve interest or illegal fees are considered unacceptable.

### 2. **Transparency**

- Transactions must be clear and transparent, without any ambiguous or complex elements that may lead to fraud or exploitation.

### 3. **Legitimate Use**

- Currencies must be used in legitimate transactions, such as halal trading or investments, and not used in illegal activities such as gambling or drug trafficking.

### 4. **Value Stability**

- The currency must be able to hold its value and not fluctuate excessively. Currencies that experience sharp fluctuations may be considered unsuitable.

### 5. **Real support**

- It is preferable for the currency to be backed by real assets or commodities (such as gold-backed currencies) to ensure stability of value and credibility.

### 6. **No excessive speculation**

- Currencies should be avoided for excessive speculation or gambling-like behaviour, as this may conflict with Sharia principles.

### 7. **Compatibility with Islamic values**

- The currency must be consistent with general Islamic values ​​and principles, and not conflict with Sharia.

### a summary

For cryptocurrencies to be halal, they must adhere to these conditions. It is best to consult religious scholars or Sharia experts for an accurate fatwa on specific cryptocurrencies.