Dear Ethereum developers and community,

I am writing to you as a passionate cryptocurrency enthusiast and an active user of the Ethereum network. I want to express my deep concern and frustration regarding the gas fees that apply on the Ethereum network.

It is undeniable that Ethereum has pioneered blockchain technology and paved the way for a wide range of decentralized applications and smart contracts. However, the exponential increase in gas rates has reached a point where it has become a significant obstacle to widespread adoption and use of the network.

Extremely high gas fees make it prohibitively expensive to perform simple transactions or interact with smart contracts. Furthermore, the need to own additional Ethereum simply to cover these fees is, in my opinion, a system that favors existing holders and excludes those who wish to participate in the network.

I firmly believe that decentralization and accessibility are the fundamental principles of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies. Ethereum's current situation, with prohibitive fees, goes against these principles and harms users and projects seeking to benefit from Ethereum innovation.

I urge the crypto community to join together in a collective effort to address this problem and seek solutions that allow operating on the Ethereum network freely and affordably. It is critical that we work together to find ways to reduce gas fees and improve the user experience on Ethereum.

In short, Ethereum's high fees and reliance on Ether for gas are legitimate concerns that must be addressed to ensure Ethereum remains a leading network in the crypto space. I hope we can work together to find solutions that benefit the entire community.


Dani Locay