The search results show that #EGLD has frequently been recognised on Binance as a top gainer. Here are a few instances:

  • 5th November 2023 with a 24-hour gain of over 50% $EGLD is the top gainer #EGLD/USDT trading over $50.

  • With a 24-hour gain of 3.41%4, EGLD was ranked as the second-highest gainer on #Binance on September 17, 2023.

  • With a gain of 37.58%3, EGLD was one of the best gainers on Binance on September 22, 2023.

  • EGLD was recognised as one of the top #trading gainers on Binance on October 9, 2023.

  • With a spike of more than 22%1, EGLD became the top gainer on Binance on April 27, 2023.

  • EGLD was one of the top 3 gainers on Binance in September 2021.

It is crucial to remember that past performance of #Cryptocurrencies is no guarantee for future results. It is always advised that before making any investing decisions, you conduct independent research and speak with a financial professional.