Current Pepe Price
Pepe to US Dollar price is updated in real-time. Pepe is currently trading at $0.00002079 (PEPE/USD) with a live market cap of 8.8B. The 24-hour trading volume is 5.5B USD and the coin is down -5.36253%. The circulating supply is 420.7T, Pepe is down.
Fundamental analysis of Pepe
Fundamental analysis aims to assess the underlying value of an asset, while technical analysis involves studying statistical patterns in the price and trading volume of that asset. Both techniques are used to analyze and forecast possible future developments in the price of an asset.
In the case of PEPE, the simplest way to conduct a fundamental analysis is to look at the supply and demand dynamics. Additionally, the market cap (8.8B) and circulating supply (420.7T) can be considered to arrive at reasonable price assumptions for the future. On the demand side, on-chain data regarding the number of active addresses, new addresses, and the number of transactions can be considered.
What affects the price of Pepe coin?
There are a number of variables in the cryptocurrency market that can affect the price of Pepe to go up or down. The main force behind the value of Pepe assets in the market is supply and demand. Whether the demand for more PEPE increases or decreases largely depends on the growing adoption.
Furthermore, important events such as protocol updates or hard forks can play a big role in the price of Pepe.