📢 Important news about Telegram, Pavel Durov and Toncoin!
We have recently seen a significant escalation of the situation around Telegram, Pavel Durov and the Toncoin cryptocurrency. This is due to the active work of the media and various stakeholders who are trying to create a negative image around these projects.
What is happening?
Toncoin is a real diamond on the TON blockchain, created by Pavel Durov. This cryptocurrency has huge potential and can bring millions in profit.
Market manipulation: When large players realized the potential of Toncoin, they began to create negative noise around Telegram and Durov in order to reduce trust in the project. This led to a massive sale of Toncoin.
Whale activity: Despite the negative background, there is now a sharp surge in whale activity in the Toncoin network. This may indicate a future increase in the value of the coin.
The value of Toncoin is expected to reach $20 or even $80 in this cycle. So it's important to stay informed and not panic.
Stay tuned and be careful when investing! 🚀