#以太坊 Did not lose, but it is not within the scope of speculative narrative!

The current total supply of #Eth is 120 million pieces.

About 34 million ETH are staked, accounting for about 28% of the total supply.

The annual return on staked ETH is 3.25%.

34 million * 3.25% = 1.10mm ETH (about 1.1 million new ETH are generated every year).

Annual inflation rate = 1.1 / 120 ≈ 0.9%

The total supply of #Solana is 588 million pieces.

About 400 million SOLs are staked, accounting for about 68% of the total supply.

The annual yield on pledged SOL is 7%.

400 million * 7% = 28 mm SOL (approximately 28 million new SOLs are produced every year).

Annual inflation rate = 28 / 588 ≈ 4.7%.