Bad news! The whole market collapsed, and there may be no interest rate cut in December! There is a change in the interest rate cut, and the chairman of the Federal Reserve, Powell, spoke #BabyMavin合约地址f9c7
Let's take a look at the situation of the US stock market last night. The three major US stock indexes all fell, with the Nasdaq down 0.64%, the S&P 500 down 0.59%, and the Dow down 0.47%.
There has also been a certain degree of correction in the cryptocurrency side. As of press time, Bitcoin was reported at US$88,075, down 2.43% in 24 hours, and Ethereum was reported at 3,064, down 4.56% in the past 24 hours. Why did this happen?
It turned out that the hawkish speech of the chairman of the Federal Reserve, Powell, last night put pressure on the US stock market. He said that the strong performance of the economy gave officials room to act prudently on the issue of interest rate cuts, so "there is no need to cut interest rates in a hurry."
The bull market has quietly opened, and BabyMarvin is undoubtedly a shining pearl in this bull market. If you missed the last bull market, don't miss it again this time! 🚀