NEW pool in launchpool Binance $USUAL
If someone doesn't know - this is a free activity, one can say without any risks from the exchange, where you can block coins for a while and get your percentage of tokens for staking $BNB or $FDUSD in general, this is from the series of freebies.
This is a good opportunity for those who have BNB and FDUSD coins in storage.
Taking BNB for the sake of staking is excluded, if you do not expect its growth - not a very good idea, this is where the risk is - the volatility of the coin.
FDUSD, on the contrary, there are no risks here, especially if you already have them.
CONS: pools on Binance are usually not very profitable, due to the large number of participants. If you have little money, less than $ 100 - this does not suit you. And in general, the interest becomes more noticeable on larger amounts. And the last minus is the price of FDUSD, it is not very interesting now.
Participate in pools if you do not like to take risks 😉