⚡️Back in '17, a one-fisted moonshot took off on a tiny crypto platform: priced at a squeaky-clean $0.50, the coin rocketed to $10,000—a Second coming of the wild west! 🤠 Blink once, missed the peak, blink twice, back to $0.50. Some poor fellow flung his life's savings in the frenzy and, as quick as a flash, vanished his fortune. Heard he took 'flying lessons' shortly thereafter. 🚀💥

Fast forward to now: BTC just blazed past $90K, confounding the seasoned vets and catching everyone by surprise. Big whales are feasting, and hodlers are on cloud nine, but the massacre on the futures market tells a grim tale—thousands wiped out, huddled in luxury suites of oblivion. 😱🏨

Bitcoin's soared beyond comprehension, turning veteran strategists into deer in headlights. When memes outshine analysis, you know you're in uncharted territory. It's a wild ride, but all pumps lead to dumps, right? 🌊💡 Time to stay frosty and dodge those whale traps!

Yet, amidst the frenzy, I'm all-in at these levels, eyeing a new summit: $120K is not just fanciful. Let's bask in the madness while it lasts. 🌕🚀 $BTC $ETH

RT if you're still sane. Like & follow if you're not. 😉👏 #CryptoMadness #HODLorQuit #AltCoinRush #WillBTCBreak100KSoon #BTCBreaks89k