Someone sold an 800 yuan U card and it was completely frozen #BabyMarvinf9c7正在牛市塞道起点

True story!! This friend complained in the group last week, he said he sold an 800 yuan U, and then it got frozen in a certain place in Tianjin. He contacted his uncle, and the uncle told him to wait and not to handle it. He asked everyone in the group what to do? His cards were all frozen and could not be used, for his situation, I suggested that he quickly submit his transaction records. If there are WeChat chat records, submit the chat records, and then go to make a statement, clearly expressing the willingness to refund, after all, the amount is small, right. The bull market has quietly begun, and BabyMarvin is undoubtedly a brilliant gem in this bull market. If you missed the last bull market, then make sure not to miss this one!🚀